Right when there's a hundred and one things to do, Right when you're already scheduled for work, Right when you've appointments and assignments, Right when you've plans to buy stuff, Right when you've plans to hang out, Right when you're excited about all the above, i think that's when you get sick. i dunno if i've gotten the cause and effect thing the right way around. but came back from Kedah with a worsening cough. Lol... MUST relate what happened this morning, in the A.M. after work, when I was trying to catch up on my second assignment "Good Morning, Holy Spirit" by Benny Hinn. I was lying on my stomach over the edge of my bed and reading...ok, then naturally i fell asleep. *grr. The next thing i know, Jean's shaking me awake and saying, "you're bleeding you're bleeding!" I look down and I'm dripping orange-red liquid from my nose. HAHAHA~ I'm not laughing at that, i'm laughing at your reactions! XD Ok, it...