Well today certainly clocked the miles. Me legs are achingggg... Worked this morning from 7-3 plus, headed home and out again to school just to drop off an assignment (even if that doesn't really justify 3hrs of commuting, it made me feel better as a student so... yah... by then my legs were numb)... met Jangalar at Bugis for dinner (after around an hour of walking around trying out various venues that were packed like nobody's business.
=) Kenneth at Raffles Starbucks certainly made my day. ^^ haha.. free drink on the house for Sheila Pretty Lady. =P Kk.. time to get focused on my studies for the next few hours... =) I resolved that I'd rather be tired and happy than tired and unproductive.
=) Kenneth at Raffles Starbucks certainly made my day. ^^ haha.. free drink on the house for Sheila Pretty Lady. =P Kk.. time to get focused on my studies for the next few hours... =) I resolved that I'd rather be tired and happy than tired and unproductive.