Rest is more enjoyable when I've really worked.
I definitely could do with more prayer, more listening to where God wants me to go. A lot of the time, my heart is in one place, but duty calls in another.
Whatever it is, a simple regime has helped me this week - setting aside time everyday to thank God about something, learning to look at little things in a different way, not despising the small things =)
I don't know what got me started on researching on random things I always wondered about but never got around to finding out (actually, I know, lack of work. But I've learnt to shut up and enjoy worklessness sometimes =)). The Holocaust is one example.
Wow - it really got me thinking how good we have it. No matter where we are now, we are always better than the generations that have passed us - because even though we have let go of a lot of romanticism and idealism, values, chivalry, honor etc., it is in pursuit of collective knowledge.
(For example, Knowing that discrimination based on any aspect of an individual is unfounded. Can you imagine being hunted down just because you have the trademark eyes of a Chinese, for example? I mean, how in the world are you going to change that?)
We seriously have so much to be grateful for! Just randomly join Jean, Sean, Timothy, Joseph and K Luon for Iron Man 2 the other day and came across this photo exhibit on the Little Sisters-Nepalese girls of various ages, who are educated only because of the sponsorship of more affluent people. They really do their homework - they utilize every moment of sunlight. And it got me thinking about how much I complain about engineering etc. instead of finding out why I'm learning something.
I realize I don't like to just be dissatisfied with where I am - it's a start, but I want to have somewhere I can go towards. And I guess what I've learnt is that I just need to take that first step forward and find joy in the whole process of failing and succeeding all over again. Just living.