Elizabeth Berg in Open House (Good book; recommended in Oprah Winfrey's Book Club n bought by yours truly at the EXPO book fair!!! XD): of the young people these days, "I think most young people today are so focused on tomorrow they forget all about today. And I think they're as afraid of happiness as they are of pain! Scared to say they care. Scared to take a chance. Scared to say they're just as sentimental and full of human need as people always have been and always will be."
Speaking as a young person who has 19 years of my past to look back on (FINALLY I get to say that), I agree. Speaking as one who would not have taken the chance to love till recently, it's true. My response in the past would have been defensive, or somehow proud of this attribute that will take its place among many acquired ones,in my collection of "Things to describe Joanne and give her an identity so that she'll be unique and different from other homo sapiens".
There are many things that can be left to opinion, preference, free will and whatever crap that our generation suddenly stands for when it runs out of words to justify its mistakes. But I do - finally - believe that love, and loving people, loving God, that's where true fulfillment lies.
I just realized why I've not loved the things of God the way others do, or the way He wants me to. I just realized today as I tore myself away from my books and my cable TV and my bed, why my bursts of inspiration are temporal and my discouragement so entrenched.
Somehow, through FEARING and not pursuing God, through the other GOOD activities that fill my life but take my devotion from Him, I have missed out on the fact that God is pursuing me.
Hang all the 'the ball is in your court' stuff.
God is pursuing me. God is pursuing YOU!
For that, I will rise up and pursue Him. I will seek for what I need because that is common sense, not weakness. I will not content myself on substitutes but hunger for the best that God has set aside for me. I will not waste my time. And with His help, I can.
Speaking as a young person who has 19 years of my past to look back on (FINALLY I get to say that), I agree. Speaking as one who would not have taken the chance to love till recently, it's true. My response in the past would have been defensive, or somehow proud of this attribute that will take its place among many acquired ones,in my collection of "Things to describe Joanne and give her an identity so that she'll be unique and different from other homo sapiens".
There are many things that can be left to opinion, preference, free will and whatever crap that our generation suddenly stands for when it runs out of words to justify its mistakes. But I do - finally - believe that love, and loving people, loving God, that's where true fulfillment lies.
I just realized why I've not loved the things of God the way others do, or the way He wants me to. I just realized today as I tore myself away from my books and my cable TV and my bed, why my bursts of inspiration are temporal and my discouragement so entrenched.
Somehow, through FEARING and not pursuing God, through the other GOOD activities that fill my life but take my devotion from Him, I have missed out on the fact that God is pursuing me.
Hang all the 'the ball is in your court' stuff.
God is pursuing me. God is pursuing YOU!
For that, I will rise up and pursue Him. I will seek for what I need because that is common sense, not weakness. I will not content myself on substitutes but hunger for the best that God has set aside for me. I will not waste my time. And with His help, I can.