just a thought, what does the individual consist of?
- intellect
- knowledge, wisdom
- imagination
- hopes, desires, dreams
- emotion
- sexuality
- ego
- will, determination, strength to finish through a decision, conviction
- passion (I don't think passion is an emotion is it?)
- morals, values
- instinctual knowledge
Integrity: when there is a thread wound through these disparate parts, holding us together and lining us up so that we can be people like that described in 2 Corinthians 9:13, able to glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ, meaning basically that we are able to live a life that flows from our beliefs, and that doesn't contradict what we say we believe.
--> having godly passion for our loved ones and our other-half
being able to school our emotions with our convictions
living by morals despite of what others may try to teach you
being able to enjoy good, clean fun because you are transparent in your motives
Someone once called me idealistic. I'd prefer that. I wouldn't want to mistake wisdom for cynicism. If I allowed the tragedies and 'truths' of this world rob my joy, and complicate what is actually simple, I suffer and cause people around me to lose their joy. And there's nothing wrong with living life sticking to one conviction, one way, one truth.
True, sometimes people use religion as a convenient way to stop thinking critically.
'I didn't know this was wrong because they didn't teach me that.'
True, sometimes people use religion as a quick way to get answers to their problems.
'Don't waste time telling me to become, just tell me what to do.'
True, we all fall into that once, twice, thrice, trying to find our way. But then, wander around in this 'religion' long enough, and you may find that relationship you were searching for.
- intellect
- knowledge, wisdom
- imagination
- hopes, desires, dreams
- emotion
- sexuality
- ego
- will, determination, strength to finish through a decision, conviction
- passion (I don't think passion is an emotion is it?)
- morals, values
- instinctual knowledge
Integrity: when there is a thread wound through these disparate parts, holding us together and lining us up so that we can be people like that described in 2 Corinthians 9:13, able to glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ, meaning basically that we are able to live a life that flows from our beliefs, and that doesn't contradict what we say we believe.
--> having godly passion for our loved ones and our other-half
being able to school our emotions with our convictions
living by morals despite of what others may try to teach you
being able to enjoy good, clean fun because you are transparent in your motives
Someone once called me idealistic. I'd prefer that. I wouldn't want to mistake wisdom for cynicism. If I allowed the tragedies and 'truths' of this world rob my joy, and complicate what is actually simple, I suffer and cause people around me to lose their joy. And there's nothing wrong with living life sticking to one conviction, one way, one truth.
True, sometimes people use religion as a convenient way to stop thinking critically.
'I didn't know this was wrong because they didn't teach me that.'
True, sometimes people use religion as a quick way to get answers to their problems.
'Don't waste time telling me to become, just tell me what to do.'
True, we all fall into that once, twice, thrice, trying to find our way. But then, wander around in this 'religion' long enough, and you may find that relationship you were searching for.