You are feeling exhausted, worn out, drained. You feel that far too much is being asked of you but you still want to overcome these difficulties and establish yourself despite the effect such an effort seems to have on you. You are a proud person, assertive most of the time, but at this particular moment you are acting as if you have become resigned to the situation. What you need is some tender loving care - a gentle pat on the head (or maybe a 'kick-up-the backside') and then you'll be raring to go. I think more like a good chat with a good friend would do good =) Miss Ber!> Being a likeable person you get on well with neighbours and friends. You don't need anything to 'Rock your boat'. You want to 'love' and to be loved'. Relationship-wise - rocking-boat situations = easily depressed. BUT that's something I want to change. One thing I'm being taught, to love always comes first before any reciprocation. I know I have to work on getting i...